Sunday, October 12, 2008

She's out of control

by Kristin Billerbeck

This was an excellent book in this 3 book series. I'm always interested in how a 2nd book does in a series b/c it's not always easy to wow a reader when it doesn't meet their expectations based on the first book. I can honestly say that I enjoyed this book much more then the other one. She was exhibiting a little more independance in a way, and you can see how she allows God to mold her life.

My first and only negative comment is the fact that this 2nd book (copyright 2004) had a bunch of mispelled words and grammatical errors. I wonder who proofed this edition.

But now onto the meat and potatoes of the book.

You were constantly having your guess as to which guy was going to be THE one for Ashley - if any at all! It swayed from Seth to Kevin back to Seth to her being done with the male (human) population, back to Kevin, then to Seth... all through the book, but in a very logical sequence of events (and not in the order I have listed!). Again, it was so wonderful to see God's word embedded within a very enjoyable story giving it's readers an example of how we are to walk in our faith. I was able to really understand her thought process and how she can doubt so much that's going on in her life, when things just keep getting complicated and uncertain.

Ashley is given a dog as a gift and it's amazingly entertaining how she works to encorporate her new responsibility into her life as a very overworked patent attorney, along with her mind spinning our of control with her uncertain thoughts regarding her life.

She finally figures things out by the end of the book and it's so pleasantly satisfying to know Ashley is finally, totally happy with how things are going.

Now I have to do schoolwork, and then I'll be diving into Book 3 "With This Ring, I'm Confused". It just SOUNDS like Ashley!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

What a girl wants

by Kristin Billerbeck

This was such a wonderful book and the second time I've read it. It's about Ashley Stockingdale who is a patent lawyer in Silicone Valley. She is part of a singles group she calls the Reasons. I think it's mostly about the her trying to find out who she is, while battling with being single at 31. It's not about the fancy car she drives, or the fancy town she lives in, or the fancy clothes she likes to shop for. Life is so much more then all those things, although shopping seems to fix everything for a girl! She has a best friend named Brea who has recently married, which is another reminder of just how single Ashley is. Ashley has a low self image and doesn't see what a gift she really is, and seems to miss the gifts that others really are, especially ones that are right in front of her. She prayers and prayers and tries to remind herself to give it to God. In the end, when things can't get any worse, she puts her faith in God.

This is the first book in a 3 book series. The other 2 books are 'She's out of control' and 'with this ring I'm confused'.

I definately recommend this book.

Now onto book 2!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Mile in my Flip-Flops

by Melody Carlson

This was a very cute story about a girl named Gretchen. She'd been practically left at the alter and has been burying her sorrows in containers of B&J's ice cream and HGTV. Her favorite show was about people that 'flipped' houses. Basically, they bought houses that needed work, fixed them up and sold them for a profit. She gets this idea that she has watched almost 2 years of this show and she can flip a house too! So she decides to do it, and starts looking for a house. The one she finds is horrible and reminded me of my first house. People were renters and trashed the house, the stench inside the house was unbareable due to people letting their pets use the carpet as a toilet. Her dad takes the loan out for her using his co-op as collateral. She's got 6 weeks to complete her project, have an open house and find a buyer.

Once she gets started she realized that she may be over her head, and she takes her dads advice and asks this very gorgeous carpenter who use to work with her dad, for his help. I didn't mention that he's divorced, and has a 7 yr old daughter... This is just not something she's going to get herself involved in. Too much baggage for her to deal with... He ends up being her right hand man, someone she relies on to complete the remodeling work, the perfect date to a friends wedding, and the one man that makes her feel like mush. She tries to ignore her feelings, and tries to keep her distance from him. Of course, she does dopey things in the house while renovating it. It's pretty humorous, and romantic. The best part was the reminders throughout the book that when things get really tough and you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, give it to God. It was so refreshing to read a Christian book. Finally something that gives examples of how we are suppose to live.

I recommend this book very much.